- K. Sheng, W. Dong, W. Li, J. Razik, F. Huang, and B. Hu.
Centroid-aware local discriminative metric learning in speaker verification.
Pattern Recognition, 72(c):176–185, 2017.
[ Bibtex
- Y. Doh, J. Razik, and H. Glotin.
Sparse coding of megaptera songs reveals their evolution.
In Humpback Whale World Congress. Sainte Marie, Madagascar, 2015.
[ Bibtex
[ Slides
- M. Mercier, J. Razik, and H. Glotin.
Synthèses d'interactions multimodales parcimonieuses pour l'écriture de l'œuvre iquisme et l'analyse de ses percepts.
In Journées d'Informatique Musicale, 1–7. Montreal, 2015.
[ Bibtex
- Joseph Razik, Hervé Glotin, Maia Hoeberechts, Yann Doh, and Sébastien Paris.
Sparse coding for efficient bioacoustic data mining: preliminary application to analysis of whale songs.
In EADM, ICDM Workshop. 2015.
[ Bibtex
- M. Bartcus, F. Chamroukhi, J. Razik, and H. Glotin.
Unsupervised whale song decomposition with bayesian non-parametric gaussian mixture.
In Neural Information Processing Scaled for Bioacoustics, from Neurons to Big Data - NIPS Int. Conf. workshop, volume ISSN 979-10-90821-04-0, 205–211. 2013.
[ Bibtex
- Y. Doh, H. Glotin, J. Razik, and S. Paris.
Mono-channel spectral attenuation modeled by hierarchical neural net estimates hydrophone-whale distance.
In Neural Information Processing Scaled for Bioacoustics, from Neurons to Big Data - NIPS Int. Conf. workshop, volume ISSN 979-10-90821-04-0, 88–96. 2013.
[ Bibtex
- H. Glotin, P. Giraudet, J. Razik, S. Paris, X. Halkias, F. Chamroukhi, J-M. Prevot, J. Patris, F. Bénard, A. Monnin, F. Lelandais, R. Abeille, Y. Doh, O. Dufour, C. Rabouy, and A. Mishchenko.
Tracking multiple marine mammals by shortly or widely spaced hydrophones.
In Dirac NGO, Detection Classification localization of Marine Mammals using passive acoustics, volume ISBN 978-2-7466-6118-9, 71–92. 2013.
[ Bibtex
- H. Glotin, J. Sueur, T. Artières, O. Adam, and J. Razik.
Sparse coding for scaled bioacoustics: from humpback whale songs evolution to forest soundscape analyses.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133(5):3311, 2013.
[ Bibtex
- S. Paris, Y. Doh, H. Glotin, X. Halkias, and J. Razik.
Physeter catodon localization by sparse coding.
In ICML4B in ICML Int. Conf. 2013.
[ Bibtex
- N. Ballas, B. Labbé, A. Shabou, H. Le Borgne, P. Gosselin, M. Redi, B. Mérialdo, H. Jégou, J. Delhumeau, R. Vieux, B. Mansencal, J. Benois-Pineau, S. Ayache, A. Haadi, B. Safadi, F. Thollard, N. Derbas, G. Quénot, H. Bredin, M. Cord, B. Gao, C. Zhu, Y. Tang, E. Dellandreav, C-E. Bichot, L. Chen, A. Benoît, P. Lambert, T. Strat, J. Razik, S. Paris, H. Glotin, T.N. Trung, D. Petrovska, G. Chollet, A. Stoian, and M. Crucianu.
Irim at trecvid 2012: semantic indexing and instance search.
In TRECVID Workshop. 2012.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik, S. Paris, and H. Glotin.
Broadcast news phoneme recognition by sparse coding.
In ICPRAM. 2012.
[ Bibtex
[ Slides
- B. Delezoide, D. Gorisse, F. Precioso, P. Gosselin, M. Redi, B. Mérialdo, L. Granjon, D. Pellerin, M. Rombaut, H. Jégou, R. Vieux, B. Mansencal, J. Benois-Pineau, S. Ayache, B. Safadi, F. Thollard, G. Quénot, H. Bredin, M. Cord, A. Benoît, P. Lambert, T. Strat, J. Razik, S. Paris, and H. Glotin.
Irim at trecvid 2011: semantic indexing and instance search.
In National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), TRECVID 2011 workshop participants notebook papers. 2011.
[ Bibtex
- H. Glotin, J. Razik, P. Giraudet, S. Paris, and F. Bénard.
Sparse coding for fast minke whale tracking with hawaiian bottom mounted hydrophones.
In International Workshop on Detection, Classification, Localization & Density Estimation of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics, 30. 2011.
[ Bibtex
[ Slides
- H. Glotin, J. Razik, S. Paris, and JM. Prévot.
Real-time entropic unsupervised violent scenes detection in hollywood movies - dyni @ mediaeval ceurs.
In MediaEval, volume 807. 2011.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik, H. Glotin, S. Paris, and O. Adam.
Humpback whale song sparse coding and information theory analysis.
In International Workshop on Detection, Classification, Localization & Density Estimation of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics, 41. 2011.
[ Bibtex
[ Slides
- J. Razik, O. Mella, D. Fohr, and J-P. Haton.
Frame-synchronous and local confidence measures for asr.
IJPRAI, 25(2):157–182, 2011.
[ Bibtex
- D. Caon, A. Amehraye, J. Razik, G. Chollet, R. Andreao, and C. Mokbel.
Experiments on acoustic model supervised adaptation and evaluation by k-fold cross validation technique.
In International Symposium on I/V Communications and Mobile Network, ISIVC. 2010.
[ Bibtex
- P. Perrot, M. Morel, J. Razik, and G. Chollet.
Vocal forgery in forensic sciences.
In International Conference on Forensic Applications and Techniques in Telecommunications, Information and Multimedia, e-Forensics, 7p. 2009.
[ Bibtex
- P. Perrot, J. Razik, and G. Chollet.
Voice disguise and reversibility.
In European Academy of Forensic Science EAFS 2009. 2009.
[ Bibtex
[ Slides
- Y. Han, G. Liu, G. Chollet, and J. Razik.
Person identity clustering in tv show videos.
In Visual Information Engineering, VIE'2008, 4p. 2008.
[ Bibtex
- Y. Han, J. Razik, G. Chollet, and G. Liu.
Speaker retrieval for tv show videos by associating audio speaker recognition result to visual faces.
In K-Space PhD Jamboree Workshop. 2008.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik, O. Mella, D. Fohr, and JP. Haton.
Comprehension improvement using local confidence measure: towards automatic transcription for classroom.
In Workshop on Child, Computer and Interaction - WOCCI, satellite event of ICMI, 5p. 2008.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik, O. Mella, D. Fohr, and JP. Haton.
Frame-synchronous and local confidence measures for on-the-fly automatic speech recognition.
In InterSpeech, 4p. 2008.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik, O. Mella, D. Fohr, and JP. Haton.
Frame-synchronous and local confidence measures for on-the-fly keyword spotting.
In International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, ISSPA, 4p. 2007.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik, O. Mella, D. Fohr, and JP. Haton.
Local word confidence measure using word graph and n-best list.
In EuroSpeech, 3369–3372. 2005.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik, C. Sénac, D. Fohr, O. Mella, and N. Parlangeau-Vallès.
Comparison of two speech/music segmentation systems for audio indexing on the web.
In multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI, 6p. 2003.
[ Bibtex
- Y. Doh, J. Razik, S. Paris, O. Adam, and H. Glotin.
Décomposition parcimonieuse des chants de cétacés pour leur suivi.
Traitement du Signal, 30(3-4-5):219–242, 13 november 2013.
[ Bibtex
- Y. Doh, A. Saloma, N. Gandilhon, G. Nolibé, J-L. Jung, J. Razik, S. Paris, H. Glotin, J-B. Laurent, I. Charrier, and O. Adam.
Biodiversité marine : observatoires des baleines (marine biodiversity and whale observatories).
In Tall Ship Race conference. Toulon - France, 2013.
[ Bibtex
- M. Bendris, C. Brun, J. Carrive, G. Chollet, D. Marraud, J. Razik, and S. Vanni.
Sémantique et Multimodalité en analyse de l'information, chapter Technologies d’indexation pour la valorisation du patrimoine audiovisuel.
Hermes, 2011.
[ Bibtex
- P. Perrot, J. Razik, M. Morel, H. Khemiri, and G. Chollet.
Techniques de conversion de voix appliquées à l'imposture.
In TAIMA 2009, 393–398. 2009.
[ Bibtex
- L. Zouari, H. Khemiri, J. Razik, A. Amehraye, and G. Chollet.
Reconnaissance de la parole en temps réel pour le dialogue oral.
In TAIMA 2009, 409–415. 2009.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik, O. Mella, D. Fohr, and JP. Haton.
Mesures de confiance locales et trame-synchrones.
In Journées d'Etude sur la Parole, JEP'2008, 4p. 2008.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik, O. Mella, D. Fohr, and JP. Haton.
Transcription automatique pour malentendants : amélioration à l'aide de mesures de confiance locales.
In Journées d'Etude sur la Parole, JEP'2008, 4p. 2008.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik.
Mesures de confiance trame-synchrones et locales en reconnaissance automatique de la parole.
PhD thesis, Université de Nancy, 2007.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik, O. Mella, D. Fohr, and JP. Haton.
Mesures de confiance trame-synchrone.
In Journées d'Etude sur la Parole, JEP'2006, 135–138. 2006.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik, D. Fohr, O. Mella, and N. Parlangeau-Vallès.
Segmentation parole/musique pour la transcription automatique.
In Journées d'Etude sur la Parole, JEP'2004, 417–420. 2004.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik.
Segmentation parole/musique.
Master's thesis, Université de Nancy, 2003.
[ Bibtex
Talks and misc
- J. Razik.
Session chairman at the international conference on pattern recognition applications ans methods.
ICPRAM, 2012.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik.
Sparse coding: from speech to whales.
ERMITES, 2011.
[ Bibtex
- G. Chollet, A. Amehraye, H. Khemiri, C. Mokbel, J. Razik, and L. Zouari.
Spoken dialogue in virtual worlds.
COST-2102 School, 2009.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik.
Digital forensics practice.
Delegate and speaker at the plenary session at e-Forensics, 2009.
[ Bibtex
- J. Razik, P. Perrot, and G. Chollet.
Voice conversion: a toy, a threat or a forensic tool ?
Invited Speaker at the US-France Young Engineering Scientists Symposium YESS, Washington DC, 2009.
[ Bibtex